4-Week Debt Freedom Coaching Course
Join the Program and Rediscover Your Confidence
Have no fear! I've partnered with WizeFi, a FinTech company to bring you this amazing course! I've met Sean and have seen the Financial Coaches he's been partnered with, even one of my group trainers from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (say what!). Yes, even government trainers have partnered with Sean to bring this course and software to help their clients gain access to Financial Freedom resources.
I too want these same resources for my community! So that leads me to YOU!
I'll be working with you through the course and the app. The money management app is FREE for 30 days! You get the DEBT ELIMINATION course and a session with me (in a group setting) each week or daily (depending on the level you choose), walking you through, answering questions, and helping you to #FindYourSpark! Or if you already feel inspired, you can work through the course independently!
No matter how you go through the course, GET STARTED! Use the form to left to fill out your information and you'll receive the link to get started in your email!